Guess what those idiot hoomans did ....Made us sleep in a big orange tin kennel on wheels for days and days! I can't believe them sometimes though I must admit I liked life on the road. At least my little puppy bed was free from dust for a few days and we saw sooooooooo many people on our adventures including my mum and my fluffy bruv. More on our adventures later but here's a start...
This is where you pick up your tin kennel on wheels. Here's ours- the orange pop top!
No dogs allowed in this one....dogism! I abhor it.
I wanted to take this one but the staff said we couldn't fit all my dog toys in it (haven't they heard of a trailer?)
Here's my butler driving us to the New Forest.
This Tin Kennel of ours is called 'Bart'
My turn to drive - who went and closed the curtains?
Me and my Pop Top
Keeping watch is still important- even when you are in big tin kennel!
It's tiring this camping lark